Thursday, January 29, 2009

Look what I found!

I can't breathe!!! ahahahahahahahahaha

I'm a HUGE fan of Jem! Jem and the Holograms had such a strong impact on me when I was small, and maybe one of the primary reasons I became gay!! ahahaha Just kidding!

Here's the video of the opening song of the show! For some reason, I find myself singing this song from time to time, out of nowhere! ahahahaha

I Love their uber fluffy hair, their outrageous make-up and their chic clothes!!! I hope they make a movie out of this, just like these 80's cartoons turned blockbuster Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles



  1. jem is truly outrageous.. truly truly truly outrageous.. wowowowoooah!
